Health Benefits
Wagyu cattle have been extensively studied in Japan and in the United States. Washington State University, Kansas State University, Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University, and others have done extensive research into the fat produced by Wagyu cattle and effects of dietary fatty acids. Research at Washington State University has shown that Wagyu beef has about a 2:1 ratio of monounsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid compared to British cattle with a 1:1 ratio and other studies have shown that higher monounsaturated fatty acid in the diet is associated with lower cardio vascular disease. Thus, Wagyu meat is not only rich in taste and tenderness, but it is perfectly suitable for a part of a well balanced healthy diet.
According to Dr. Stephen B. Smith from the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University, Wagyu beef is the healthiest beef we can produce. Also, corn-fed beef is good for you, and the brisket contains the healthiest fat on the carcass. When you produce high quality beef, you also produce healthy beef.
In Japan, beef palatability is positively correlated with the amount of Oleic acid in beef. The Asian markets prefer beef that contains elevated oleic acid (softer fat).
The results of a study led by Dr. Smith found that Oleic acid has positive health benefits. Increasing Oleic acid in beef has a measurable effect on cholesterol metabolism in human subjects. According to Kris-Etherton and Yu, 1997, foods high in Oleic acid decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.
Smith found that modifying the fatty acid composition of beef can be done naturally and practically. Further, beef from Wagyu cattle is healthier because it is genetically enriched with Oleic acid. As we increase Oleic acid through feeding programs, saturated and trans-fatty acids in beef are reduced.